A new model for social welfare is needed to improve quality and expectancy of lives. The present welfare state relies on thought lines, which “miss the mark” in that it does not consider the true underlying need for equity. For it is through relative social positioning that psychosocial stimuli adversely affect physical health and longevity (Leary & Kowlaski, 1995). The reality is that structures of injustice are arranged by activities of the advantaged that become institutionalized. The advantaged unknowingly create the injustice and attempt to remediate it by supporting diversity education and redistribution of resources (e.g. public assistance to the poor), rather than balancing power and equity so that redistribution is no longer needed (Daniel, 2005).
In addition to redistributing resources, a new model should attempt to change mentalities so as to obviate the need for redistribution. Rather than focusing on “getting ahead,” we should begin to think about loving and supporting our neighbors (i.e. ”doing life in-common”). A community value of reciprocity should encourage friends helping friends, alleviating dependency on the government or insurance policies to meet the needs that family and friends should already be meeting.